Advice for Buyers & Sellers

Activity in the lower end is very strong with multiple offers still common but the upper, luxury end is another story due to the difficulty in obtaining financing. Cash is king in both markets, but especially in the higher priced homes.

Buyers: With inventory levels high, there are plenty of deals throughout San Diego County. Whether you are looking for your dream home or another income unit to add to your portfolio, right now in the middle of the summer is when you will find the largest selection of homes to choose from. You can view all homes for sale, including foreclosures, online at

Sellers: To stay competitive in this market you have no choice but to PRICE IT RIGHT from the beginning. Inventory levels are commonly higher during the summer months and your property can get lost in the shuffle if it is over priced. A prudent and thoughtful marketing strategy is also crucial to make your property standout from the rest. Remember, homes do not sell by happenstance. Visit to see how we would sell your property.